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Holland Funding for International Student Studying at Leiden University in The Netherlends Intake 2020

About the Leiden University Scholarships

Leiden University or in Dutch is Universiteit Leiden is one of the most prestigious university both in the world and the Netherlands. This university is very popular in term of its social, political, economical, and law faculties, and it has been producing global-notable alumni who are working in international corporations, institutions, and also science and technology. The university is a public research university located in the city of Leiden, established in 1575 by William, the Prince of Orange.

The Holland scholarships is pleased to provide financial assistance for talented international students who would like to continue their study for undergraduate degree programmes in Leiden University. The programmes are available for English-taught Bachelor's programme at Leiden University.

Holland Scholarship Requirements

The scholarships are available for Bachelor degree programmes in particular English-Taught programmes. All nationalities, with the exception of EU/ EEA, Swiss and Surinamese passport holders. The scholarships are available only for faculty of Archaeology, Humanities, Governance and Global Affairs, Social and Behavioural Sciences. To be particular, for talented non-EEA students enrolling in one of the following English-taught Bachelor's programmes:
  • Archaelogy
  • Arts, Media and Society
  • Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
  • Dutch Studies
  • English Language and Culture
  • International Relations and Organisations
  • International Studies
  • Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges
  • Linguistics
  • Philosophy: Global and Comparative Perspectives
  • Pyschology
  • Security Studies
  • South and Southeast Asian Studies
  • Urban Studies
You must agree to the Terms and Conditions of the Holland Scholarship.

Holland Scholarships Awards

One-off payment of €5,000 - which you will receive after arrival in The Netherlands. Please be notified that the Holland Scholarship is not a full scholarship. Non-EEA Holland Scholarship recipients must still submit 'proof of sufficient funds' for their student visa/ residence permit application.

Application Process to Holland Scholarships

  1. Compose a letter of motivation (max. 500 words) specifically for the Holland Scholarship. In your letter, explain why you are a talented student, taking into account both your academic achievements and relevant extra-curricular activities (e.g. voluntary work). Please kindly ensure in your letter that no need to describe your financial situation or conditions.
  2. Before 01 February 2020, submit an online application for admission for one of the above-mentioned Bachelor's programmes at Leiden university. 
  3. Indicate in your online application that you are applying for the Holland Scholarship and upload your scholarship motivation letter where indicated
For further information related to Holland Scholarship for Studying at Leiden University, in The Netherlands, it is strongly advised to visit this Scholarship Link.

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